VB Language Manager Options

VBLM has many options that allow you to control and configure it to your preferences. All are accessible from the main window's option menu, and most are also accessible elsewhere. The options fall in several categories:

image\ebd_25.gif General Options control a handful of high-level behaviors, such as main window properties and interaction with the help system.

image\ebd_26.gif String Extraction (SX) Options allow you to control which strings VBLM will extract from your VB project for translation.

image\ebd_27.gif Language Table Editor Options allow you to control the LTE's display format, sort order, and print format.

image\ebd_28.gif Build Options control the build of new language versions of the parent VB project.

VBLM has yet more options, including the ability to work with third party translation programs, to width-check language tables, build runtime switched multi-lingual applications, and more.

Note: All current option settings are preserved on exit in VBLM's initialization file and restored on entry. If you ever need or want to reset an option to its default setting, just delete the option's entry in this file.