Using 3rd Party Translation Applications

If you have a third party translation application that can be commanded to translate the contents of the clipboard, VBLM can be configured to work with it automatically (Even if your 3rd party program cannot translate the clipboard, you still may be able to use it; see Importing & Exporting).

To configure VBLM to work with your 3rd party program, select Translation Apps on the main window's options menu and record the appropriate information in the Interface Definition Window that pops up.

Once you have defined your application's interface, it is accessible from the Language Table Editor's menu system:

image\ebd_23.gif Select Translate from the LTE file menu, and VBLM will cycle through the entire current table, calling and commanding your 3rd party application to translate every item.

image\ebd_24.gif Select Translate from the LTE edit menu, and VBLM will call your 3rd party application and translate the currently selected string instance.

For more information:

Translation Application Interface Definition

Translating the Clipboard

Translating the Current Table