The multiple instance editor (MIE) pops up whenever the current row in the LTE references a string found in and extracted from more than one place in the parent VB project:
The purpose of the MIE, essentially a less-capable child of the LTE, is to allow you to easily a) translate each instance of the string the same way, b) translate each instance of the string differently, c) translate some instances and not other, and d) perform any combination of all three.
You can use the MIE just as you use the LTE -- arrowing up and down and entering translations -- but it also offers some shortcuts
Edit Menu
The MIE edit menu contains all the same commands as the LTE edit menu, plus 2 more:
Copy Current to All copies the translation
for the current instance to all instances
Copy Current to All Empty copies
the translation for the current instance to all untranslated instances
The Edit Combo
The edit control on the MIE is an edit combo, not a simple textbox as on the LTE. The list portion of the combo contains all previously entered translations of the current string - one entry for each unique translation - making reuse just a click away. As you add, edit, and delete translations in the MIE, VBLM continuously repopulates the list to keep it current.
Popup Menu
Right clicking on any string instance brings up the same popup menu as in the LTE for using the multiline editor and excluding the string.
Code Context
If the LTE is currently configured to display code context, the code display will update as you move between instances within the MIE.
Exiting the MIE
There are 3 ways to exit the MIE and return to the LTE:
Like any window, with the window controls
If you're on the first item and arrow
up, or the last item and arrow down
By clicking anywhere on the LTE, which
the non-modal MIE never completely covers.