LTE: Floating Edit Box

The Language Table Editor has a single control (a text box) in which you enter translations.

This LTE Edit Box floats around the table, anchoring on whichever item you select and resizing to fit in the space allotted for translations. This space is determined by the current LTE Format and Line Spacing options.

The Edit Box uses the current table's translation font (see LTE Fonts).

Other LTE display options also affect its appearance and/or behavior:

Back Color

Your setting here determines the edit box background color (click to set)

Excluded Color

Your setting here determines the color used to highlight excluded entries (click to set)

Select Text on Focus

If this option is checked, all text in the edit box (ie any translation you've entered previously) is selected when you click an item in the table. If not checked, text is not selected. In either case, the caret is positioned at the end of the text.

Auto-Open MI Editor

This option determines what happens when a multi-instance string is selected in the LTE. If checked, the multiple instance editor (MIE) pops up automatically as soon as the item is selected. If not checked, the MIE doesn't open until you double-click or press Enter.

See Also:

LTE Display Options