The Extract Strings Now page, accessed by selecting the Extract Strings Now node on the SX window's treeview, a) informs you if SX option settings have changed since VBLM last extracted strings from the parent VB project(s), b) details the results of the last string extraction, and c) allows you to command VBLM to perform a new one.
Last Extraction Results
The last extraction results info includes:
the date and time it was performed
whether or not an SXL
file was found, and if so, whether or not it was applied and how many
strings it caused to be excluded
how many files were processed, and if
any were ignored
whether any comment
directives were found
how many string instances were found
how many string instances were excluded
by the exclusion rules
how many instances and how many unique
strings were extracted
whether or not the extraction was logged
if this was not the first extraction,
whether or not the resulting update was logged
Note: The Extract Strings Now page is not available a) when no project is loaded, or b) when you access the SX window from the options menu instead of the action menu.
See Also