Logging: The Update Log

When the Log Update option is checked on the logging tab of the general options window, VBLM logs the string table changes that occur when you update a VBLM project by re-extracting the strings. The disk file (VBLM Update Log.txt by default, but you can change this) is written to the same directory as the parent VB project.

Information in the update log insures that all changes are documented and that any translations for strings that disappear are not lost.

VBLM Update Log: 12/27/01 5:35:20 PM

VB Project = C:\Program Files\DevStudio\VB\samples\PGuide\Optimize\Optimize.vbp


The first section documents string instances that had been extracted the last time but were not extracted this time. Each missing string is listed, followed by any translations of the string, in the format of "Language=Translation"

2 previously extracted unique strings are gone


"bState Unknown."

Pig Latin="atebStay Unknownay."



Design="bState Unknown."


"File I/O"

Pig Latin="ileFay I/Oay"



Design="File I/O"


The second section lists all new string instances

12 new unique strings

" Sec."





"Making Container Invisible"




"Time: "

"Using Variables"

"With Each Image Invisible"


And finally, there is a count.

10 more string instances (205 vs. 195)


See Also


Extraction Log

Import Log

Build Log