Width Checking: Printing Reports

Aside from the printer font set on the Width Check Viewer's Font menu, VBLM offers only two choices for hard copy of width check reports: Summary or Detail. You print a width check report by selecting one of these options from the Viewer's File menu.

Summary Width Check Report

When you request a summary report, VBLM prints out two lines of information for each item on the current Flagged Item list. The first line contains the name of the item and the second reports VBLM's diagnosis for translated properties and the length and width ratios for embedded strings. The summary report provides all of the width check information you really need.

Detailed Width Check Report

When you request a detailed report, VBLM prints out as many lines for each item as it takes to report all of the information that appears in the Viewer's Detail box. If you enjoy stacks of paper, this option is for you.

Note: VBLM prints width check reports using the margin settings specified for printing language tables.

See Also

Width Checking: Overview

Width Checking: Options

Width Checking: Viewing Reports