Easel fDI Samples

This page contains annotated sample output from Easel for Digital Images.  Each sample is shown in a ~800x600 or larger bitmap, so be patient if you have a slow connection.

Baby David     Next

Baby David demonstrates some of Easel's basic capabilities. Using the tool, it took less than 10 minutes to select, crop, and combine 8 scanned pictures of my son's "firsts" (birthday, beach trip, Halloween, etc)

Scan_0038.jpg (2063 bytes) Scan_0033.jpg (2203 bytes) Scan_0035.jpg (2581 bytes) Scan_0037.jpg (3837 bytes) Scan_0032.jpg (2429 bytes) Scan_0034.jpg (1930 bytes) Scan_0036.jpg (2994 bytes) Scan_0031.jpg (2113 bytes)

into a simple 8-panel symmetrical composition of the best portion of each picture:

Composer Sample 1 - Baby David.jpg (198216 bytes)

Despite the speed and simplicity of composition, though, Easel then printed Baby David (on a good printer) as a gorgeous high-resolution 8x10 that took its place on the grandparents' picture wall.  Moreover, Easel can now effortlessly reproduce it in any size on either the screen (as presented here) or on the printer.

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