Updating a VBLM Project

A VBLM project file (*.LMP) contains a lot of data about its parent VB project(s), some of which is almost certain to change over time. Almost any change in the VB source files, for example, obsoletes the string location data that the language table editor uses to show you the code in which a string is used (see code context information). Hence VBLM allows you (in fact advises you) to update projects as often as necessary.

You will also find the update process indispensable for configuring the SX options to minimize the number of unwanted strings in the language table: see Tips & Tricks.

Updating is a four step process that begins when you select the Extract Now or Check Now screen commands or the Extract Strings entry on the action menu:

Step 1: Date Check

VBLM compares the dates of all VB project files with the VBLM project's Last VB Update date to test for the possibility that data is obsolete. VBLM performs this step whenever you load a project, and advises you if the other steps are necessary.

Step 2: Data Check

VBLM reexamines the parent VB project to see if data has changed. Note that the dirty flag is now set even if you don't opt for an update, because the date is check was last performed is stored in the LMP file.

Step 3: Update

VBLM updates the data stored in the VBLM project.

Step 4: Rematch Translations

Having rebuilt the language data, VBLM compares all new strings with all old strings and, whenever a match is found, reattaches any translations that exist.

When VBLM completes the update, it stores the current date and time in the project's Last VB Update field.

Note that while you can manually command an update, you generally don't need to because VBLM handles it automatically.

See Also:

Current Project Information