LTE Print Options: Format

The LTE Print Format, set on the Print tab of the LTE Config window, accessed from the main or LTE options menu, sets the overall format for printed language tables.

The three choices -- Columns, 2 Rows per Entry, and 3 Rows per Entry -- allow you to maximize the number of entries on a page (columns) or the amount of space allotted to each item (3 rows per entry), or to compromise with 2 rows per entry.

When Columns is selected, each entry is printed on a single line and appears as

Instance Name|Original String|Translated String

When 2 Rows per Entry is selected, each entry is printed as

Instance Name=Original String

[Context: Code Context]

Translation: Translated String

When 3 Rows per Entry is selected, each entry is printed as

Instance: Instance Name

String: Original String

[Context: Code Context]

Trans: Translated String

If your format is not set to Columns and you have requested Code Context information, it will be printed with each item in the table.

Whatever format you select, the Line Spacing value sets the spacing between lines of text and can be used to add additional white space. The value must be >= 1.

See Also

LTE Display Format