General Options: Application Paths

VB Executables

The full paths and filenames for the VB executable files (VB.EXE, VB5.EXE, etc) on your system that VBLM will execute when converting binary project files (see below) or when running VB after completing a new language build. If VBLM's setup program is unable to find these, VBLM will request the path when it needs to execute VB.

CharMap Executable

The full path and filename of the special character applet that ships with Windows (or, for that matter, any application that you want VBLM to run when you select Run Charmap on the LTE's file menu). VBLM searches for CharMap.EXE during installation.

CharMap Always on Top

If Always on Top is checked, VBLM will keep CharMap as the topmost window so you can see it when the LTE is maximized.

Resource Compiler

The full path and filename of RC.EXE, Microsoft's resource compiler. VBLM needs this to compile RC resource script files into RES files when configured to build an RSV using resources. VBLM searches for RC.EXE during installation.

Temp Directory

The directory where VBLM writes temporary files. This defaults to your TEMP directory if one is set, to the root directory of the C drive if one is not.