Since version 2, VBLM has always maintained multiple sets of string extraction (SX) options; a default set stored in the INI file, and project-specific sets stored in each VBLM project (*.LMP) file. The reason for maintaining multiple sets is that SX options often need to be tailored for each parent VB project to minimize the extraction of strings that should not be translated.

When VBLM 2.0 users commanded a project update, VBLM first checked for differences between the default set and the current project set and, if any were found, queried the user as to which set he or she wanted to use. Several users pointed out a) that this was a stupid question, and b) that the wording and logic of the question was, at best, confusing.

This unfortunate "feature" was a reflection of VBLM's innards (so it made perfect sense to the author, who was slow to realize the problem). In any event, the innards have been modified as of V2.1, the confusing question has been eliminated, and the storage and use of multiple sets of SX options has become more straightforward. The rest of this topic discusses how it works.

VBLM Default SX Options

When VBLM is first installed (and whenever it fails to find an INI file, or finds one without entries in the [StringExtraction] section), it creates a default set of SX options.

To view and/or change these defaults, select String Extraction on the main options menu BEFORE loading or creating a VBLM project (ie, when the main window displays the world map, not project specs). You can tell when you're working with the defaults because the SX options window is titled VBLM Default String Extraction Options.

All changes made to the default SX options are stored in the INI file when you exit VBLM and loaded when you restart it.

Project-Specific SX Options

When you create a new VBLM project, VBLM's current default SX options provide the initial SX options for the project.

From then on, however, the project's SX options are stored with the project and are completely independent of the defaults stored in the INI file. When you display the SX options window while the project is loaded, the window is titled accordingly, with the name of the project.

Once a project is created or loaded, any and all SX option changes that you make affect the SX options stored in the project file (and hence set the file's dirty flag). These change have no effect, however, on the default SX options. This behavior differs from VBLM 2.0, which kept the two in synch.

You will also note that when a project is loaded, the SX options window displays a file menu with selections Save as VBLM Defaults and Reset to VBLM Defaults. These bridge the gap between the project settings and the default settings. Selecting Save As... will copy the current project SX options to VBLM's defaults. Selecting Reset to... does the reverse, copying the current defaults into the project.

See Also:

String Extraction Overview

String Extraction Options