RSV Language Database Cross Reference File

If you check the Create LDB XRef File RSV build option, VBLM creates a file named LDB_XREF.TXT in the target build directory when it completes an RSV build.

LDB_XREF.TXT is the RSV Language Database Cross Reference File, tab delimited and best viewed by loading it into a spreadsheet program. It contains an exhaustive amount of information, including a table of all VBLM_RTString() calls inserted in the application and a table of all strings in all languages stored in the database. It is helpful for end-users who want to edit an ANSI Text language database, because it shows what string instances in the application are loaded with what strings in the database. The database itself has the strings, but isn't very informative about where they go.

Another purpose of this file, is to support an end-user language database editing utility that we plan to release at some (indeterminate) point in the future. This utility will allow you to distribute updates of your program without worrying about writing over any changes your users have made in the translations.