LTE Print Options: Miscellaneous

The Miscellaneous LTE Print options, accessed from either the main or the LTE options menu, control nitty-gritty formatting of language table hard copy. The miscellany includes:

Gray Bars

If checked, LTE prints table entries with alternating white and gray background; improves readability.

Percent Gray

Specify the gray shade for printing (100%=black). The default value of 4% works well with HP Laser Jets, but your printer may produce more legible output with a different setting.

Note: Some Postscript printer drivers have trouble doing this kind of shading transparently, at least when used by a VB app like VBLM. If the gray-shaded portions of your printed output are blank, you've got this problem and you need to turn off Gray Bars.

Vertical Lines

If checked, LTE prints vertical lines between columns.

Horizontal Lines

If checked, LTE prints horizontal lines between entries.

Show File Names

If checked, LTE prepends form and file names to string instance names; see instance names for more information.

Show Context

If available and checked, each item in printed language tables includes the line of code in which the string instance is used; not available when using Column format. See code context information for more information.

Use Quotes

If checked, LTE encloses all strings in double quotes; useful for seeing leading and trailing white space.