RSV Build Options: Include User Code

This option allows the user to customize the code that VBLM adds to forms for initialization and switch-on-the-fly purposes. When checked, VBLM adds user-defined prefix code at the beginning of the VBLM_SetProperties procedure, and user-defined suffix code at the end. This option is off by default.

The default prefix code is: Call VBLM_UserPrefixCode(Me)

The default suffix code is: Call VBLM_UserSuffixCode(Me)

Both of these are stored in the [BuildOptions] sections of the VBLM.INI file, and can be changed either by editing this file directly or by using the inputbox that pops up when the Include User Code option is checked.

Sub VBLM_UserPrefixCode(frm as Form) and Sub VBLM_UserSuffixCode(frm as Form)are stub procedures in the VBLM_RTA.BAS and VBLM_RTB.BAS support files. You can edit these template files that reside in the VBLM directory, or more wisely, edit copies and set VBLM's RSV Support File options to point to them.


You can define multiline prefix and suffix code by using VBLM's CRLF alias in the string assigned. The default alias is "~~", two tildes (though this can changed by editing the CRLFAlias key in the [General] section of VBLM.INI).

You can also store your custom user code in separate files. If either the prefix or the suffix code begins with a dollar sign ($), VBLM assumes that what follows is a full path and file name. If the file exists, VBLM will insert its contents in the appropriate location. Thus if you defined your prefix code as "$C:\Source\MyPrefix.Txt" (without the quotes), VBLM will insert the contents of this file (assuming it exists) at the beginning of each VBLM_SetProperties procedure. If the file does not exist, VBLM will insert "$C:\Source\MyPrefix.Txt" (and you'll have problems).