Build Options: Aliasing, Target Directories & Other Fields

As with all of VBLM's default build options, the default target directory is copied to the project-specific target directory when you create a new project. Thus, for example, if you specify "C:\Temp\VBLM" as the default, the initial setting for all project-specific target directories will also be "C:\Temp\VBLM."

There are two exceptions to this, however:

1) If the default target directory is left blank, VBLM will do what it has always done: suggest a subdirectory of the VB project directory named for the language table selected (or "Multilingual" if more than one is selected).

2) If the default target directory spec includes any of the 5 aliases recognized by VBLM, they will be replaced by project/system specific values.

Note: As of Version 5, aliasing/dealiasing has been extended to additional fields, listed at the end of this topic.



Is replaced with


System temp directory, eg "C:\Temp"


Full VB project directory, eg "C:\Source\VB\MyProject"


VB project subdirectory, eg "MyProject"


VB project name, eg "Project1"


Selected language table name, eg "French" (or "Multilingual")



Assume that the system temp dir is C:\Temp, that you are working on a VB project called MyProject1 stored in C:\VBProjects\MyProject, and that you select a French language table.

Default Spec

Project Spec








C:\Temp\C:\VBProjects\MyProject\French (Whoops!)


(The last example illustrates that the dealiasing process is simply dumb replacement; VBLM does NO checking for validity of the end result).

Aliasing and Dealiasing of Other Fields

As of Version 5, VBLM dealiases 4 other fields besides the target directory:

1) The Language Database file name: if you specify "%ProjectName%_%Language%.Dat", the language database file will be named "MyProject1_French.Dat".

2) The Resource Template file name: if you specify "%ProjectDir%\%ProjectName%.RC", VBLM will look for the file "C:\VBProjects\MyProject\MyProject1.Rc."

3) The translations entered for any application properties extracted from the VBP file: if you translate VersionComments as "%Language% Version", the new VBP's version comments will be "French Version".

4) The Target Project Name: if you specify "%ProjectName%_%Language%.Vbp", the new project file will be named "MyProject1_French.Vbp"