Dimension Extract & Apply Options

VBLM's Dimension Extract & Apply Options allow you to preserve the work you do adjusting the dimensional properties of localized projects to accommodate translated strings. Access them by clicking the Dimensions tab on the Build Options window, and see Dimensioning Overview for an overview.

Properties to Extract / Apply

This pseudo-listbox contains the user-maintainable list of properties that VBLM extracts from VB form files and stores in dimension data files for later application. By default it contains all dimensional properties of forms and controls supplied with the Enterprise Edition of VB, as well as the FontSize and FontBold properties.

If you have custom controls that have dimensional properties not on the list (unlikely but possible), just add them and VBLM will extract and apply them. In fact if there are ANY properties that you want preserved, add them to the list (I've already thought of uses for the property extract/apply capability that have nothing to do with dimensions or localization).

Extract Dimensions...

When you click this button, VBLM will

1) Pop up a file dialog and ask you to select a VB project (*.MAK/VBP) file;

2) Pop up a file dialog and ask you to specify a dimension data (*.LMD) file, and

3) Extract the values of all properties on the list from all form files in the project and store them in the LMD file.

Apply Dimensions...

When you click this button, VBLM will

1) Pop up a file dialog and ask you to select a dimension data file;

2) Pop up a file dialog and ask you to select a VB project file, and

3) Rewrite all form files in the project using property values stored in the LMD file.

Note 1: When VBLM applies dimensions, it overwrites the form files in place. Please be certain that this is what you intend to do!

Note 2: Whenever VBLM finds and applies a new property value, it appends the original value as a comment. You can see these comments by viewing the file with a text editor, but be advised that VB will erase them the next time it saves the file.

The Parse Command

See pseudo-listboxes.


See also: Dimension Data File Format