'VBLM_RTR_RR.BAS: VB Language Manager Runtime Language Switching Support Module

'Copyright 1994-2002 by WhippleWare. All Rights Reserved


'Language Database Format Supported: Resource File


'Support for Runtime Switching of Interface Dimensions: No


'Write Language Selection to Registry: No


'Read Language Selection from Registry: Yes


'This module is for DLL's and other secondary apps, as it does not allow a language choice.

'Instead, it reads it from the registry, assuming it has already been written there by the

'main app.


'It also examines the command line for a choice (/L=Language)

'If neither is found, it defaults to the first language


Option Explicit

DefLng A-Z


'Registry API constants and functions

Const KEY_WRITE = &H20006

Const KEY_READ = &H20019


Declare Function RegCreateKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long

Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long

Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long ' Note that if you declare the lpData parameter as String, you must pass it By Value.

Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long

Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long



'Language Selection from registry or command line

Dim mlSelectedLanguage As Long



'The VBLM_RTString function is the core of runtime switching (RSV)


'All translated strings and properties have been replaced with

'calls to VBLM_RTString


'The function is passed an index and returns a string

'The first call initializes the database

'You can also force reinitialization (ie change languages) by passing

'a value of -1 as the Index argument




Function VBLM_RTString(Index As Long) As String






'REINIT_LDB is the Index value that forces reinitializtion

Const REINIT_LDB = -1



'iInitialized is the initialization flag that causes this

'function to prompt the user for a language choice, but only

'the first time it is called, or when passed REINIT_LDB


Static iInitialized As Integer 


'lCurrentOffset is the offset used to return strings from the

'selected language

Static lCurrentOffset As Long 





'lNumLanguages = number of languages available

Dim lNumLanguages As Long 


'li = iteration index

Dim li As Long 


'lEachLanguageOffset is the offset between each language in

'the resource file

Dim lEachLanguageOffset As Long 


'sRegLanguage = Name of Language stored in registry

Dim sRegLanguage As String 


'sLanguages() = Names of Languages in the the database

Dim sLanguages() As String 


'sTmp = tmp string variable

Dim sTmp As String 








'Handle is used as the initialization flag

If iInitialized = False Or Index = REINIT_LDB Then 


'Default Error handling

On Error GoTo RTS_Error 


'reset language choice (needed for switch-on-the-fly

mlSelectedLanguage = 0 


'get the number of languages and redim name and offset arrays

'NOTE: VBLM appends the GetLanguages() routine to this module during

'a build, as it is composed of build-specific information

lNumLanguages = GetLanguages(sLanguages(), lEachLanguageOffset) 


'check registry for a recorded selection

If ReadWriteLanguageToRegistry(KEY_READ, sTmp) Then sRegLanguage = sTmp 


'if only one language in database, select it

If lNumLanguages = 1 Then mlSelectedLanguage = 1 


If mlSelectedLanguage = False Then 

'check command line and registry entry for language choice

For li = 1 To lNumLanguages 

If InStr(1, Command$, "/L=" & sLanguages(li), 1) Then mlSelectedLanguage = li 


'registry will not override, and will be overridden by, command line selection

If mlSelectedLanguage = False And Len(sRegLanguage) > 0 Then 

If StrComp(sLanguages(li), sRegLanguage, 1) = 0 Then mlSelectedLanguage = li 

End If 


End If 


'if language not specified in registry or on command line, default to the first one

If mlSelectedLanguage = 0 Then mlSelectedLanguage = 1 


lCurrentOffset = (mlSelectedLanguage - 1) * lEachLanguageOffset 


'mark as Initialized

iInitialized = True 


'and bail if just here to reinit

If Index = REINIT_LDB Then Exit Function 


End If 







'only one likely error, so deal with it as needed

On Error Resume Next 


'return string from array

VBLM_RTString = LoadResString(lCurrentOffset + Index) 


'error: invalid index

If Err Then VBLM_RTString = "Invalid Index" 


Exit Function 






' default error handler



Select Case MsgBox(Error$ & "(Code" & Str$(Err) & ")", vbExclamation + vbAbortRetryIgnore, "VBLM_RTString()") 

Case vbABORT 


Case vbRETRY 


Case vbIGNORE 

Resume Next 

Case Else 

End Select 


End Function



Function ReadWriteLanguageToRegistry(Action As Long, Language As String) As Long


Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 

Const REG_SZ = 1 

Const KeyName = "Software\WhippleWare\VBLM" 

Const KeyWord = "LastLanguage" 

Const NO_ERROR = 0 


Dim KeyValue As String 

Dim hKeyResult As Long, kvl As Long 

Dim KeyOpenStatus As Long 


KeyOpenStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyName, 0, Action, hKeyResult) 


If KeyOpenStatus <> NO_ERROR And Action = KEY_WRITE Then 

KeyOpenStatus = RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyName, hKeyResult) 

End If 


If KeyOpenStatus = NO_ERROR Then 

If Action = KEY_READ Then 

KeyValue = Space$(64&) 

kvl = 64& 

KeyOpenStatus = RegQueryValueEx(hKeyResult, KeyWord, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal KeyValue, kvl) 

If KeyOpenStatus = NO_ERROR And kvl > 0 Then 

Language = Left$(KeyValue, kvl) 

'some OS's return the null, others don't 

If Asc(Right$(Language, 1)) = 0 Then Language = Left$(Language, Len(Language) - 1) 

ReadWriteLanguageToRegistry = True 

End If 

ElseIf Action = KEY_WRITE Then 

KeyValue = Language 

kvl = Len(Language) 

KeyOpenStatus = RegSetValueEx(hKeyResult, KeyWord, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal KeyValue, kvl) 

ReadWriteLanguageToRegistry = (KeyOpenStatus = NO_ERROR) 

End If 


kvl = RegCloseKey(hKeyResult) 


End If 


End Function


Sub VBLM_UserPrefixCode(frm As Form)

'This stub is the default "User Prefix" code that will be called

'in the VBLM_SetProperties event when the "Include User Code"

'RSV option is checked. Code inserted here will be executed whenever

'RSV forms load or are refreshed by VBLM_SwitchOnTheFly.


'This allows you to customize the form initialization process.


'Note that the prefix code is called FIRST in VBLM_SetProperties.

'If you want your code to execute LAST, put it in VBLM_UserSuffixCode.


'Note also that you can change the names of this procedure, call multiple

'procedures, etc etc, by modifying the UserPrefix and/or UserSuffix.


End Sub


Sub VBLM_UserSuffixCode(frm As Form)

'This stub is the default "User Suffix" code that will be called

'in the VBLM_SetProperties event when the "Include User Code"

'RSV option is checked. Code inserted here will be executed whenever

'RSV forms load or are refreshed by VBLM_SwitchOnTheFly.


'This allows you to customize the form initialization process.


'Note that the suffix code is called LAST in VBLM_SetProperties.

'If you want your code to execute FIRST, put it in VBLM_UserPrefixCode.


'Note also that you can change the names of this procedure, call multiple

'procedures, etc etc, by modifying the UserPrefix and/or UserSuffix. You

'are given the opportunity to do so whenever you turn on "Include User Code"


'A big HATS OFF to Ron Gordon at GGT for suggesting this feature!


End Sub