'VBLM_RTA_D.BAS: VB Language Manager Runtime Language Switching Support Module

'Copyright 1994-2002 by WhippleWare. All Rights Reserved



'Language Database Format Supported: ANSI text


'Support for Runtime Switching of Interface Dimensions: Yes


'Write Language Selection to Registry: No


'Read Language Selection from Registry: No


Option Explicit

DefLng A-Z


'tagVBLM_VS is the record type for the language database

'although ANSI text format databases do NOT use it for disk storage

'VBLM still uses a static array of type tagVBLM_VS for in-memory storage

'this keeps the strings out of the app's local string space

Type tagVBLM_VS

String As String 

End Type


'type to hold control location+size, for runtime switching of interface dimensions

Type tagControlDims

CtrlX As Long 

Left As Long 

Top As Long 

Width As Long 

Height As Long 

Ptr As Long 

End Type


'tagProfileEntry is a type used to pass data needed to read profile string type entries

'from the language database file

Type tagProfileEntry

KeyName As String 

KeyValue As String 

nKeyValue As Long 

Critical As Boolean 

End Type


'VBLM will uncomment the following for VB3- projects

'Const vbHourglass = 11 'uncomment for VB3

'Const vbCritical = 16 'uncomment for VB3

'Const vbAbortRetryIgnore = 2 'uncomment for VB3

'Const vbExclamation = 48 'uncomment for VB3

'Const vbABORT = 3 'uncomment for VB3

'Const vbRETRY = 4 'uncomment for VB3

'Const vbIGNORE = 5 'uncomment for VB3


'aliased API function

'VBLM will replace this with appropriate Win16 declaration in VB3- projects

Declare Function GPPS Lib "Kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal Section$, ByVal Key$, ByVal sDflt$, ByVal ReturnedString$, ByVal MaxSize&, ByVal File$) As Long


'Language Selected by user or command line - module level to share with DimSet function

Dim mlSelectedLanguage As Long


'mlDimSetEntries tells us if database file contains dimsets (for runtime

'interface resizing), and if so, how many entries in each one

Dim mlDimSetEntries As Long


'mDimSet() contains the interface dimension strings, loaded at language selection time

Dim msDimSetStrings() As String


'mlDimSetX() is the (Project, File) index into the dimset

Dim mlDimSetX() As Long





'The VBLM_RTString function is the core of runtime switching (RSV)


'All translated strings and properties have been replaced with

'calls to VBLM_RTString


'The function is passed an index and returns a string

'The first call initializes the database

'You can also force reinitialization (ie change languages) by passing

'a value of -1 as the Index argument




Function VBLM_RTString(Index As Long) As String






'RTS_FILE is the name of the database file created by VBLM

'VBLM_RTString expects to find it in the application directory

'the default is "LANGUAGE.DAT", but this is a user-definable RSV Build Option

'the embedded 's are placeholders for VBLM to insert longer names

Const RTS_FILE = "LANGUAGE.DAT" '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


'REINIT_LDB is the Index value that forces reinitializtion

Const REINIT_LDB = -1


'CRLF_ALIAS is the alias for carriage returns embedded in strings

Const CRLF_ALIAS = "~~"



'Handle is the database file handle, also used as the initialization flag

Static lHandle As Long 


'Strings() will hold the strings we're going to fetch and use

Static Strings() As tagVBLM_VS 





'PE = type for reading keyed data from the language database file

Dim PE As tagProfileEntry 


'lNumLanguages = number of languages in the database

Dim lNumLanguages As Long 


'lNumStrings = number of entries in each language table

Dim lNumStrings As Long 


'lStringIndexBase and lStringIndexStep are used to describe non-contiguous

'indexing schemes

Dim lStringIndexBase As Long, lStringIndexStep As Long 


'li = for-next counter variable

Dim li As Long 


'lcp = cursor position while parsing a string

Dim lcp As Long 


'sIndex = value of string index contained in string entry

Dim sIndex As Long 


'lPreviousMousePointer = MousePointer Cache Variable

Dim lPreviousMousePointer As Long 


'sFileName = Full path and FileName of language database file

Dim sFileName As String 


'lOffsets() = location in file of beginning of each language table

Dim lOffsets() As Long 


'lDimSetOffsets() = location in file of beginning of each DimSet

Dim lDimSetOffsets() As Long 


'sLanguages() = Names of Languages in the database

Dim sLanguages() As String 


'sTmp = tmp string variable, used to read from disk

Dim sTmp As String 








'lHandle is used as the initialization flag

If lHandle = False Or Index = REINIT_LDB Then 


'Default Error handling

On Error GoTo RTS_Error 


'reset language choice (needed for switch-on-the-fly)

mlSelectedLanguage = 0 


'cache the current cursor

lPreviousMousePointer = Screen.MousePointer 


'grab a file handle

lHandle = FreeFile 


'look for file in application directory unless user has specified a directory

If InStr(RTS_FILE, "\") = False Then 

sFileName = App.Path 

If Right$(sFileName, 1) <> "\" Then sFileName = sFileName & "\" 

sFileName = sFileName & RTS_FILE 


sFileName = RTS_FILE 

End If 


'if file not found, terminate; you can gussy this up as desired

If Dir$(sFileName) = "" Then 

MsgBox "Fatal Error: Language database file " & sFileName & " not found.", vbCritical 


End If 


'find out if database contains DimSets as well as strings

PE.KeyName = "DimSetEntries" 

PE.Critical = False 

If VBLM_GetProfileString(PE, sFileName) Then mlDimSetEntries = PE.nKeyValue 



'get the number of languages and redim name and offset arrays

PE.KeyName = "NumLanguages" 

'note: setting PE.Critical = True will cause VBLM_GetProfileString to end the app if

'data is missing -- set now, stays set until unset below

PE.Critical = True 

If VBLM_GetProfileString(PE, sFileName) Then lNumLanguages = PE.nKeyValue 


ReDim sLanguages(lNumLanguages), lOffsets(lNumLanguages) 

If mlDimSetEntries Then ReDim lDimSetOffsets(lNumLanguages) 


'get the name and offset of each language table

'while iterating, check for a command line match, flag = "/L="

'or for a match with the language stored in the registry


For li = 1 To lNumLanguages 


'construct the language name key

PE.KeyName = "Language" & Format$(li) 


'get the value and assign it if found, else bail

If VBLM_GetProfileString(PE, sFileName) Then sLanguages(li) = PE.KeyValue 


'now ditto for the offset values (file location where languages start)

'and assign it if found, else bail

PE.KeyName = "Language" & Format$(li) & "Start" 

If VBLM_GetProfileString(PE, sFileName) Then lOffsets(li) = PE.nKeyValue 


If InStr(1, Command$, "/L=" & sLanguages(li), 1) Then mlSelectedLanguage = li 


'if present, find offsets to dimsets

If mlDimSetEntries Then 

PE.KeyName = "Language" & Format$(li) & "DimSet" 

If VBLM_GetProfileString(PE, sFileName) Then lDimSetOffsets(li) = PE.nKeyValue 

End If 




'if only one language in database, select it

If lNumLanguages = 1 Then mlSelectedLanguage = 1 


'else if language not specified on command line, query the user

If mlSelectedLanguage = False Then 


'load the rts support form, and fill in the list of language choices

Load frmVBLM_RTS 

For li = 1 To lNumLanguages 

frmVBLM_RTS.lstLanguages.AddItem sLanguages(li) 



'center it on the screen, set an arrow cursor, show it modally

frmVBLM_RTS.Move (Screen.Width - frmVBLM_RTS.Width) \ 2, (Screen.Height - frmVBLM_RTS.Height) \ 2 

Screen.MousePointer = 1 

frmVBLM_RTS.Show 1 


'get the selected language and unload

mlSelectedLanguage = frmVBLM_RTS.lstLanguages.ListIndex + 1 

Unload frmVBLM_RTS 


End If 


'look busy

Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass 


'get the number of strings in a language table

PE.KeyName = "NumStrings" 

If VBLM_GetProfileString(PE, sFileName) Then lNumStrings = PE.nKeyValue 


'read the numbering scheme parameters: base and step

PE.KeyName = "StringIndexBase" 

'data is no longer critical

PE.Critical = False 


If VBLM_GetProfileString(PE, sFileName) Then 

lStringIndexBase = PE.nKeyValue 


lStringIndexBase = 0 

End If 


PE.KeyName = "StringIndexStep" 

If VBLM_GetProfileString(PE, sFileName) Then 

lStringIndexStep = PE.nKeyValue 


lStringIndexStep = 1 

End If 


'make room for the strings

ReDim Strings(lStringIndexBase + lNumStrings * lStringIndexStep) 


'open the file and seek to the beginning of the selected table

'Note: the following method for loading the strings is 2-3 times faster then

'Windows' GetPrivateProfileString () function


Open sFileName For Input As lHandle 

Seek lHandle, lOffsets(mlSelectedLanguage) 


'Offset will be correct unless user has edited & screwed up the file, so test it

'the line should be "[Name_of_Selected_Language]"

Line Input #lHandle, sTmp 

sTmp = Trim$(sTmp) 


'if it isn't (strcomp returns a value when NOT a match), then

'read file from beginning until line is found

If StrComp(sTmp, "[" & sLanguages(mlSelectedLanguage) & "]") Then 

Seek lHandle, 1 

Do Until EOF(lHandle) 

Line Input #lHandle, sTmp 

sTmp = Trim$(sTmp) 

If StrComp(sTmp, "[" & sLanguages(mlSelectedLanguage) & "]") = False Then Exit Do 


If EOF(lHandle) Then EndOnMissingData sFileName 

End If 


'now retrieve each string

'vblm will have created a file with "s[value]="string""

'we will test the value and insert string in appropriate place

For li = 1 To lNumStrings 

Line Input #lHandle, sTmp 

lcp = InStr(sTmp, "=") 

If lcp Then 


'compute sIndex

sIndex = Val(Mid$(sTmp, 2, lcp - 1)) 


'ignore all to left of equal sign

sTmp = Mid$(sTmp, lcp + 1) 


'trim quotes

If Asc(sTmp) = 34 Then sTmp = Mid$(sTmp, 2) 

If Asc(Right$(sTmp, 1)) = 34 Then sTmp = Left$(sTmp, Len(sTmp) - 1) 


'insert crlfs

Do While InStr(sTmp, CRLF_ALIAS) 

lcp = InStr(sTmp, CRLF_ALIAS) 

If lcp Then sTmp = Left$(sTmp, lcp - 1) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Mid$(sTmp, lcp + Len(CRLF_ALIAS)) 



Strings(sIndex).String = sTmp 


ElseIf StrComp(Left$(sTmp, 1), "[") = 0 Then 'hit the next section 

Exit For 

'only report error on missing string is string indices are contiguous


If lStringIndexBase = 0 And lStringIndexStep = 1 Then EndOnMissingData sFileName 

End If 



If mlDimSetEntries Then 

ReDim msDimSetStrings(mlDimSetEntries) 

Seek lHandle, lDimSetOffsets(mlSelectedLanguage) 

Line Input #lHandle, sTmp 'dimset name 

For li = 1 To mlDimSetEntries 

Line Input #lHandle, msDimSetStrings(li) 


End If 


'close the file and restore the original cursor state

Close lHandle 

Screen.MousePointer = lPreviousMousePointer 


'and bail if just here to reinit

If Index = REINIT_LDB Then Exit Function 


End If 







'only one likely error, so deal with it as needed

On Error Resume Next 


'return string from array

VBLM_RTString = Strings(Index).String 


'possible error: index out of range; so indicate

If Err = 9 Then VBLM_RTString = "Invalid Index" 


Exit Function 







' default error handler



Select Case MsgBox(Error$ & "(Code" & Str$(Err) & ")", vbExclamation + vbAbortRetryIgnore, "VBLM_RTString()") 

Case vbAbort 


Case vbRetry 


Case vbIgnore 

Resume Next 

Case Else 

End Select 


End Function


Function VBLM_GetProfileString(PE As tagProfileEntry, sFileName As String) As Boolean


'fetch a profile string from a file -- return true if found


Const cDefaultValue = "?" 

Const PS_SIZE = 64 

Dim lcp As Long 


PE.KeyValue = Space$(PS_SIZE) 

lcp = GPPS("VBLM", PE.KeyName, cDefaultValue, PE.KeyValue, PS_SIZE, sFileName) 

If lcp Then 

PE.KeyValue = Left$(PE.KeyValue, lcp) 

PE.nKeyValue = Val(PE.KeyValue) 

If StrComp(PE.KeyValue, cDefaultValue) Then 'if DOESN'T match 

VBLM_GetProfileString = True 

Exit Function 

End If 

End If 


If PE.Critical Then EndOnMissingData sFileName 


End Function

Function VBLM_GetDimensions(PrjX As Long, FileX As Long, ControlDims() As tagControlDims, iScaleMode As Integer) As Long


Static bInit As Boolean 

Dim li As Long, j As Long, lcp As Long 

Dim lMaxPrj As Long, lMaxFile As Long, lTmp As Long 

Dim sTmp As String 


If bInit = False Then 

lMaxPrj = Val(msDimSetStrings(mlDimSetEntries)) 

For li = 1 To mlDimSetEntries 

lTmp = Val(Mid$(msDimSetStrings(li), InStr(msDimSetStrings(li), "_") + 1)) 

If lTmp > lMaxFile Then lMaxFile = lTmp 


ReDim mlDimSetX(lMaxPrj, lMaxFile) 

For li = 1 To mlDimSetEntries 

mlDimSetX(Val(msDimSetStrings(li)), Val(Mid$(msDimSetStrings(li), InStr(msDimSetStrings(li), "_") + 1))) = li 


bInit = True 

End If 


VBLM_GetDimensions = StringToControlDims(msDimSetStrings(mlDimSetX(PrjX, FileX)), ControlDims(), iScaleMode) 


End Function

Function StringToControlDims(DimSetString As String, ControlDims() As tagControlDims, iScaleMode As Integer) As Long


Const SM_Pixels = 3 


'DimSetString holds list of values, as stored in database 

Dim li As Long, j As Long, lcp As Long 

Dim sTmp As String 

Dim NumControlDims As Long, lTmp As Long 


lcp = InStr(DimSetString, "=") 

sTmp = Mid$(DimSetString, lcp + 1) 


NumControlDims = Val(sTmp) 

ReDim ControlDims(NumControlDims) 


lcp = InStr(sTmp, ",") 

sTmp = Mid$(sTmp, lcp + 1) 


For li = 1 To NumControlDims 

For j = 1 To 6 


lTmp = Val(sTmp) 


Select Case j 

Case 1: ControlDims(li).CtrlX = lTmp 

Case 2: ControlDims(li).Left = lTmp 

Case 3: ControlDims(li).Top = lTmp 

Case 4: ControlDims(li).Width = lTmp 

Case 5: ControlDims(li).Height = lTmp 

Case 6: ControlDims(li).Ptr = lTmp 

Case Else 

End Select 


lcp = InStr(sTmp, ",") 

sTmp = Mid$(sTmp, lcp + 1) 


'raw data is in twips -- adjust for pixels 

If li > 1 And iScaleMode = SM_Pixels Then 

ControlDims(li).Left = ControlDims(li).Left / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX 

ControlDims(li).Top = ControlDims(li).Top / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY 

ControlDims(li).Width = ControlDims(li).Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX 

ControlDims(li).Height = ControlDims(li).Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY 

End If 



StringToControlDims = NumControlDims 


End Function



Sub EndOnMissingData(sFileName As String)

MsgBox "Fatal Error: Language database file " _ 

& sFileName _ 

& " is missing critical information.", vbCritical 


End Sub


Sub VBLM_UserPrefixCode(frm As Form)

'This stub is the default "User Prefix" code that will be called

'in the VBLM_SetProperties event when the "Include User Code"

'RSV option is checked. Code inserted here will be executed whenever

'RSV forms load or are refreshed by VBLM_SwitchOnTheFly.


'This allows you to customize the form initialization process.


'Note that the prefix code is called FIRST in VBLM_SetProperties.

'If you want your code to execute LAST, put it in VBLM_UserSuffixCode.


'Note also that you can change the names of this procedure, call multiple

'procedures, etc etc, by modifying the UserPrefix and/or UserSuffix. You

'are given the opportunity to do so whenever you turn on "Include User Code"


'A big HATS OFF to Ron Gordon at GGT for suggesting this feature!


End Sub


Sub VBLM_UserSuffixCode(frm As Form)

'This stub is the default "User Suffix" code that will be called

'in the VBLM_SetProperties event when the "Include User Code"

'RSV option is checked. Code inserted here will be executed whenever

'RSV forms load or are refreshed by VBLM_SwitchOnTheFly.


'This allows you to customize the form initialization process.


'Note that the suffix code is called LAST in VBLM_SetProperties.

'If you want your code to execute FIRST, put it in VBLM_UserPrefixCode.


'Note also that you can change the names of this procedure, call multiple

'procedures, etc etc, by modifying the UserPrefix and/or UserSuffix. You

'are given the opportunity to do so whenever you turn on "Include User Code"


'A big HATS OFF to Ron Gordon at GGT for suggesting this feature!


End Sub